Friday, October 7, 2016

I just returned from a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, I have become enamored with photography in the last 7 years. In the Smokies I saw amazing sights of the glory and majesty of this country of my birth. I have now returned home to the normalcy?? of everyday life. I am a 75 year old non college graduate, who actually can think and is getting sick and tired of being lumped by the media as a group of people that don't support Donald Trump for President. I am one of many people that came from a low income background and busted my ass to succeed. I believe in the American ideal that anyone can become a success by working hard and doing an honest days work. Mrs Clinton has many time expressed that we must move forward together, Screw that! We must work independently to enhance our personal future and thus enhance the future of the country. The liberal view that we need to collectively take care of each other is a myth. They as liberals think we need the government to take care of us, that is the major fallacy of the liberal methodology. We do not need government to take care of us, we are independent humans with a free will, and a capacity to succeed if we actually get rid of the shackles of government. In the mountains of eastern North Carolina and Northeast Georgia I saw one HRC sign, and hundreds of Trump/Pence signs. There may be hope yet!!