Friday, July 23, 2010

I figured out today that I work with some very smart people. I also figured out that I am almost as smart, but I am very much faster to come up with candidate solutions to problems. Most of the people I work with are very methodical, and take very good notes, and always come up with the 100% solution. Sometimes this takes a long time, days, weeks, months depending on the problem complexity. I on the other hand get to about an 80% solution very quickly and then lose interest. Am I wrong or are they more right than me, probably neither. My bet is we should team up as I did this week with a brilliant but very methodical colleague. I should wade through the data first to get rid of the crap and then let the methodical and very smart people work on the final 20 to 10% of the solution or whatever level we need to get to.
I also have discovered recently that most of the people I work with under 45 years of age are afflicted with CRS disease. CRS means Can't Remember Shit, it is defined as failure to have any memory or retention of facts and theories learned in the past week or month. Apparently these people must write everything down or they can't ever recall facts and data. the amazing part of this syndrome is the failure to observe anything during the process of transcribing what has been seen in the recent past. So if you don't see it because you need to write it down to remember it , did it really happen. Yes Damnit it did and that is a problem in modern times.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Damn I am lazy! when I started this Blog I Intended to regularly update it. So far so bad. Today I decided to start a chronicle of what I remember about the history of the US and the world for the past 69 years.
My first recollection is a big party, there were fireworks and everyone was in the streets and yelling and hollering about something. They were very happy, and I remember feeling the joy in the air.
I grew up to find out that this was VJ day in West Springfield, Mass. To this day I can't remember anything other than fuzzy fireworks and joyous feelings. Give me a break, I was soon to be five.
From this early recollection I will try to move forward with recollections of my life and whatever historical events I can remember and define in words. Since my writing style tends to be terse, some day i will try to amplify and fill out the thoughts I can recollect.