Friday, August 27, 2010

Let's figure out what is going on in this country I used to love. I am rapidly approaching 70 years old, and am petrified about the state of the country I am leaving to my grandkids, they range from 26 to 2 weeks. This is not the America I grew up in, we are now in the age of political correctness, which I am certain that means you cannot tell someone that is useless that he is useless; We have a Black President, that if he were white would be impeached, he is useless. when we couple him with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, we have the Dumb, dumber and dumbest group. You figure out who is who.
I have the opinion that we need to get rid of anyone in office this time and then get rid of them the next time also. It is apparent that the assembled masses of the Senate and House think that we are idiots. Lets teach them a lesson by firing them and their successors so they know who is in charge. We also need to get rid of the staffers who actually do all the screwing of the voters. An initiative to get them all fired is an imperitave as well as firing their bosses. Lets get with it folks.

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