Monday, August 31, 2015

Fed up with Government

It has been a while since I have posted here. I just got lazy and didn't think I really had anything to say. I know that I have a message, or at least some thoughts that I need to share. I am very conservative in politics, primarily in the spending area. I am less conservative on social issues. We have a President that has doubled the debt in his term of office. That is in my opinion a criminal act, as is the failure of the U.S. Congress to rein in this lawless and irresponsible President. Our Congress was given a so called conservative majority in the last election and to date have done nothing to further cost controls or to limit spending.
I am a recipient of Social Security, and keep hearing how we need to make cuts in Social Security and Medicare. These two programs are contributory and the problems are caused by the mismanagement and outright theft by our congress. I never hear a thing about cuts or reform in the welfare system, where there is no contribution, and numerous instances of fraud. It is about time that we the people of the U.S. that finance the country by working wake up and start over with lawmakers that will do the job we elect them to do.

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