Friday, October 7, 2016

I just returned from a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, I have become enamored with photography in the last 7 years. In the Smokies I saw amazing sights of the glory and majesty of this country of my birth. I have now returned home to the normalcy?? of everyday life. I am a 75 year old non college graduate, who actually can think and is getting sick and tired of being lumped by the media as a group of people that don't support Donald Trump for President. I am one of many people that came from a low income background and busted my ass to succeed. I believe in the American ideal that anyone can become a success by working hard and doing an honest days work. Mrs Clinton has many time expressed that we must move forward together, Screw that! We must work independently to enhance our personal future and thus enhance the future of the country. The liberal view that we need to collectively take care of each other is a myth. They as liberals think we need the government to take care of us, that is the major fallacy of the liberal methodology. We do not need government to take care of us, we are independent humans with a free will, and a capacity to succeed if we actually get rid of the shackles of government. In the mountains of eastern North Carolina and Northeast Georgia I saw one HRC sign, and hundreds of Trump/Pence signs. There may be hope yet!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Its my Birthday so here I come

The events at the U.S. Open and the fact that I am celebrating 75 years on this earth today started me thinking about a few thins this morning.

Number one on my list, which was highlighted this weekend at Oakmont CC, was large organizations made up of petty bureaucrats exerting influence where it is totally unwarranted. The two bureaucrats on the “committee” that decided to insert their totally unwanted and unwarranted opinion on the events that transpired on the fifth green. These two asshats decided that they needed TV time so the stuck their noses into an area where they were not needed. The matter had already been adjudicated by their walking official and the two competitors that had first hand knowledge of the situation. Today we have the Executive Director, who was conspicuously absent from the real-time controversy flippantly calling their actions a “bogey” and asking for a “mulligan”. At the same time he says that they got the decision right, apparently he has better eyesight and knowledge of the situation than the multitude of professional golfers that referred to the situation and decision as a farce.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Here is todays rant. I have been following a lot of political pundits, George Will and Charles Krauthammer especially, taking shots at Donald Trump. They keep saying that he doesn't understand politics, and because of that he can't win. The reason he and Dr. Carson, and Carly Fiorina are ahead in the polls is that Americans, especially me, are fed up with politicians. They are bought and paid for by lobbyists, and pay no attention to what the people want. We have a so called conservative majority in the Congress and Senate, and they can't do a thing to stop the crap the President is decreeing. McConnell and Boehner are either inept, stupid or just plain cowards.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Fed up with Government

It has been a while since I have posted here. I just got lazy and didn't think I really had anything to say. I know that I have a message, or at least some thoughts that I need to share. I am very conservative in politics, primarily in the spending area. I am less conservative on social issues. We have a President that has doubled the debt in his term of office. That is in my opinion a criminal act, as is the failure of the U.S. Congress to rein in this lawless and irresponsible President. Our Congress was given a so called conservative majority in the last election and to date have done nothing to further cost controls or to limit spending.
I am a recipient of Social Security, and keep hearing how we need to make cuts in Social Security and Medicare. These two programs are contributory and the problems are caused by the mismanagement and outright theft by our congress. I never hear a thing about cuts or reform in the welfare system, where there is no contribution, and numerous instances of fraud. It is about time that we the people of the U.S. that finance the country by working wake up and start over with lawmakers that will do the job we elect them to do.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Playoffs for the first time (Seriously ESPN)

I have been away for awhile, if anyone noticed. I got involved in a few surgeries, the first to remove a cancerous tumor in my colon, the second to remove a suspect lesion in the other end of my colon. Office to say I no longer have a need for a (:), I only need a semi-colon (;). I still have my normal level of frustration with the state of the country and with a lot of organizations that are just plain assholes. Let's start with ESPN, these jackasses have the rights for the current so-called college football playoff populated by a committee. According to ESPN these games are historic since they are the first college football playoffs. In the early 1960's the college I went to, San Diego State College, won the Division 1-AA playoff and were the champions of D1-AA. Since they were in the football playoffs at that time, do I have recourse to sue for re-imbursement of my tuition. If in fact we are now having the first ever college football playoffs, the San Diego State was not a college and took my money under false pretenses. The mere fact that I could craft that sentence is ludicrous, since I saw the accreditation documents for SDSC. The only conclusion is that ESPN is fabricating a story to the masses of viewers who haven't a clue about NCAA playoff history.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Let's figure out what is going on in this country I used to love. I am rapidly approaching 70 years old, and am petrified about the state of the country I am leaving to my grandkids, they range from 26 to 2 weeks. This is not the America I grew up in, we are now in the age of political correctness, which I am certain that means you cannot tell someone that is useless that he is useless; We have a Black President, that if he were white would be impeached, he is useless. when we couple him with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, we have the Dumb, dumber and dumbest group. You figure out who is who.
I have the opinion that we need to get rid of anyone in office this time and then get rid of them the next time also. It is apparent that the assembled masses of the Senate and House think that we are idiots. Lets teach them a lesson by firing them and their successors so they know who is in charge. We also need to get rid of the staffers who actually do all the screwing of the voters. An initiative to get them all fired is an imperitave as well as firing their bosses. Lets get with it folks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I figured out today that I work with some very smart people. I also figured out that I am almost as smart, but I am very much faster to come up with candidate solutions to problems. Most of the people I work with are very methodical, and take very good notes, and always come up with the 100% solution. Sometimes this takes a long time, days, weeks, months depending on the problem complexity. I on the other hand get to about an 80% solution very quickly and then lose interest. Am I wrong or are they more right than me, probably neither. My bet is we should team up as I did this week with a brilliant but very methodical colleague. I should wade through the data first to get rid of the crap and then let the methodical and very smart people work on the final 20 to 10% of the solution or whatever level we need to get to.
I also have discovered recently that most of the people I work with under 45 years of age are afflicted with CRS disease. CRS means Can't Remember Shit, it is defined as failure to have any memory or retention of facts and theories learned in the past week or month. Apparently these people must write everything down or they can't ever recall facts and data. the amazing part of this syndrome is the failure to observe anything during the process of transcribing what has been seen in the recent past. So if you don't see it because you need to write it down to remember it , did it really happen. Yes Damnit it did and that is a problem in modern times.