Friday, August 27, 2010

Let's figure out what is going on in this country I used to love. I am rapidly approaching 70 years old, and am petrified about the state of the country I am leaving to my grandkids, they range from 26 to 2 weeks. This is not the America I grew up in, we are now in the age of political correctness, which I am certain that means you cannot tell someone that is useless that he is useless; We have a Black President, that if he were white would be impeached, he is useless. when we couple him with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, we have the Dumb, dumber and dumbest group. You figure out who is who.
I have the opinion that we need to get rid of anyone in office this time and then get rid of them the next time also. It is apparent that the assembled masses of the Senate and House think that we are idiots. Lets teach them a lesson by firing them and their successors so they know who is in charge. We also need to get rid of the staffers who actually do all the screwing of the voters. An initiative to get them all fired is an imperitave as well as firing their bosses. Lets get with it folks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

I figured out today that I work with some very smart people. I also figured out that I am almost as smart, but I am very much faster to come up with candidate solutions to problems. Most of the people I work with are very methodical, and take very good notes, and always come up with the 100% solution. Sometimes this takes a long time, days, weeks, months depending on the problem complexity. I on the other hand get to about an 80% solution very quickly and then lose interest. Am I wrong or are they more right than me, probably neither. My bet is we should team up as I did this week with a brilliant but very methodical colleague. I should wade through the data first to get rid of the crap and then let the methodical and very smart people work on the final 20 to 10% of the solution or whatever level we need to get to.
I also have discovered recently that most of the people I work with under 45 years of age are afflicted with CRS disease. CRS means Can't Remember Shit, it is defined as failure to have any memory or retention of facts and theories learned in the past week or month. Apparently these people must write everything down or they can't ever recall facts and data. the amazing part of this syndrome is the failure to observe anything during the process of transcribing what has been seen in the recent past. So if you don't see it because you need to write it down to remember it , did it really happen. Yes Damnit it did and that is a problem in modern times.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Damn I am lazy! when I started this Blog I Intended to regularly update it. So far so bad. Today I decided to start a chronicle of what I remember about the history of the US and the world for the past 69 years.
My first recollection is a big party, there were fireworks and everyone was in the streets and yelling and hollering about something. They were very happy, and I remember feeling the joy in the air.
I grew up to find out that this was VJ day in West Springfield, Mass. To this day I can't remember anything other than fuzzy fireworks and joyous feelings. Give me a break, I was soon to be five.
From this early recollection I will try to move forward with recollections of my life and whatever historical events I can remember and define in words. Since my writing style tends to be terse, some day i will try to amplify and fill out the thoughts I can recollect.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Here I am again, We are currently waiting for oil goop to come ashore in the Panhandle of FL. The government has sent people to help, why am I petrified? There are so many things about our government that scare the sh** out of me. I was
for a long time a Republican, however they are no better than the communist leaning democrats. I didn't vote for George Bush since in my opinion he was a liberal. Damned if I wasn't right, he created the Dept of Homeland Security, Why??
The DOD has the charter. We also have him to blame for the TSA, because contractors can't do the job. Another government building exercise. I am an advocate of voting out any incumbent, and then voting them out after one term. We need the people to regain control, we have no say currently.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

So here is the latest rant. Why is it that no one under the age of 50 can remember anything. I thought lack of memory was an old person thing. I have short term memory issues, as in a few seconds minutes and hours ago. Usually they are things like grocery lists, or web sites I heard on the radio and immediately forgot. My issue is that I am teaching young engineers how to do my job, in case I ever get tired and retire. When I give them something to do and describe it to them, they can't remember what I said yesterday, much less last week. How can you work in a technical field and not have any recall of facts, formulas, etc?

Monday, April 26, 2010

I went in for my usual cup of coffee this morning, and ordered a large one. I have been going to the Atlanta Bread company on Carl Vinson for a while. I started after Starbucks opened and charged 2 bucks for a cup of coffee. What rally bugs me is that I can't go in and order a large coffee, I have to order small, tall or grande. In case anyone wonders, grande is spanish for large, large is redneck for large. I am tired of the new language, tall, grande, venti at Starbucks. I left California to get away from Spanish, now in WR I need to order in spanish. How much longer before we have to order in chinese. May not be much longer, at least at Walmart.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today I am going to bitch about people that don't have any pride in what they do. I work in military electronics, and continually see tasks done at the 60 to 80 percent level. What really pisses me off is that this level of accuracy and completeness is accepted as normal. Contracts are let as cost plus and contractors screw things up and are paid to fix them. It appears that sloth, laziness and incompetence are marketing strategies. I cannot fault the contractors for using this strategy, but the government (leadership????) appears incapable of managing the taxpayer funds assigned to them.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today as I watch the snow fall in the deep south, I cannot help but wonder about Global warming. The whole concept has been promoted by Al Gore and other liberal politicians and supported by collegiate researchers. What I really wonder is how these left wingers are going to use "Global Warming" as a reason to get another hand in our pocket.